Shared Technology Services Blog

We have created a space where we can share our expertise in running a shared IT service and celebrate the successes of our staff. Click the image or link above to find out more about Shared Technology Services, its staff and their combined knowledge.

Recent blog pieces

  • What Is Being an Accountant Really Like? by Mainak Roy

    Everyone needs an accountant, why would that be? The history of accounting can be traced back thousands of years to Mesopotamian civilisation and is said to have developed alongside writing, counting and money. It is also believed that auditing systems were created by the early Egyptians and Babylonians, while the Romans collated detailed financial information. As early as 300BC bookkeeping scripts were discovered. Luca Pacioli, an Italian, is considered to be the father of modern accounting… (continue reading)

  • Computer Club, by Lewis Chandler

    I’m of that generation that largely grew up with computers but remembers a time when they weren’t such an integral part of our lives. In my lifetime, technological innovation to that end has exponentially exploded insofar that a friend of mine who is a teacher recently told me that his primary school class regularly use laptops for a number of lessons. This is far flung from my first foray into school-based computers, aged 6 (circa 1999), at an after-school club where we created projects on floppy disks. I’ve still got mine somewhere, but I’d be hard pushed to find a compatible machine… (continue reading)

  • #BeBrave, by Rehana Ramesh

    I remember my excitement a couple of years ago when I was first brought in to lead the digital transformation initiatives at Brent Council. I was excited and fired up, ready to take on the massive portfolio of work that I’d only been contributing to in bits and pieces over the past few years. Nevertheless, I was fearless and with all the enthusiasm I had in my eager bones, I jumped at the chance to try…

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