
Take a look at our webinar on “Moving into digital and technology within the public sector”

Our Teams based Webinar, hosted by Shared Technology Services, was hosted to help people find out the best advice for getting them into a career in digital and technology jobs within the public sector.

Moderated by Fabio Negro, Managing Director of Shared Technology Services - currently hiring digital talent within the public sector.


  • Insight from recruiters and managers from the public sector, including those who moved from the private sector and why they did so.

  • Advice on how to approach your applications, what key skills are needed and top tips on how to stand out.

  • Experience of what it's like to work in the public sector, its benefits and the people.

Speakers include:

  • Sally Chin, Head of ICT & Applications Support at Brent Council - experienced hiring manager

  • Mel Rose, Head of IT Office at Tower Hamlets Council - moved from private sector into public sector

  • Murray James, Director of Digital & IT at Lewisham Council - moved from private sector into public sector (currently hiring digital talent!)

  • Jyde Omotajo, Head of Digital Delivery at Southwark Council

This webinar will be of interest to anyone thinking of moving into public sector as all three of these councils are currently hiring digital talent.